ICoMST 2023

PIC Applied Meat Science

No matter the pork segment you’re involved in, the pork consumer is the ultimate customer. Giving the consumer a positive eating experience benefits every pork producer, packer and processor.

Learn more about how you can impact the final product and create value along the pork chain with resources from PIC.

PIC Meat Quality Manual
PIC Total Carcass Value Handbook – English
PIC Meat Quality Manual
PIC Total Carcass Value Handbook – Spanish
Manual PIC de Valor Total de la Canal
PIC Meat Quality Manual
PIC Total Carcass Value Handbook – Chinese
PIC Meat Quality Manual
PIC Total Carcass Value Handbook – Japanese
★配布可能 日本語版 PIC枝肉ハンドブック
PIC Meat Quality Manual
PIC Total Carcass Value Handbook – Russian
«Руководство по качеству мяса и туш свиней»
pH Meter Standard Operating Procedure