The Squeal Podcast

Listen to the latest episodes below:

The Squeal_0225: The Future of the PRRS-Resistant Pig in Consumer Markets_Part 1 The Squeal

On today's episode of The Squeal, our host, Dr. Lindsay Case (PIC Technical Director, Product Sustainability) is joined by Marisa Pooley (PIC Director of Communications and Engagement) and Staci Covkin (Principal, Innovation Consumer & Shopper Insights – Circana.) The guests share insights into consumer acceptance in anticipation of the PRRS-Resistant Pig. 
  1. The Squeal_0225: The Future of the PRRS-Resistant Pig in Consumer Markets_Part 1
  2. The Squeal_0224: People and Biosecurity
  3. The Squeal_0223: Selecting the right females
  4. The Squeal_0222: The Value of a Genetic Index Point
  5. The Squeal_0221: Reaching a Milestone with the Compass Program

The Squeal is PIC’s swine management podcast, covering topics from on-farm labor to barn ventilation, early pig care, and everything in between. Featuring industry experts from the PIC team as well as from other companies and universities, this podcast will be your swine management best friend. The Squeal can be listened to on any of the popular podcasting sites.